domingo, 15 de mayo de 2011

hayley williams paramore blonde

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  • QCassidy352
    Aug 4, 09:31 AM
    Where does this leave Conroe and Allendale? Apple's marketing strategy has always been that the PowerBooks (MacBook Pro) have faster processers then any of the iMac offerings. The Conroe and Allendale (Desktop) chips run faster then the Merom (Mobile) chips.

    :confused: The imac had a G5 for a long time while the powerbook had a G4. The imac ended with a 2.1 G5 and the powerbook topped out at a 1.67 G4. Apple has no problem, nor should they, putting a faster processor in a desktop than a notebook, even when the notebook is a "pro" machine and the desktop a "consumer" machine.

    I've maintained all along that the imac will get Conroe. It's a midrange desktop, not a laptop. Why would/should it get a laptop processor? (and don't say "yonah is a laptop processor." Apple did that because they wanted to switch to intel and the Pentium IV was not a valid option, so yonah was the only choice. Now they have a real desktop processor available, and they will use it.)

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  • Get: Hayley Williams#39; L.A.

  • iSpud
    Mar 29, 01:11 PM
    I've seen comments touch this but I'll put in my 2 cents.

    More and more cloud services coming to consumers offering GB's a data for fre or a nominal price. More and more ISPs are capping data bandwidth at 250GB r less. Will we not reach a point where we will not have access to our files due to a cap? Don't cloud providers have it in their interest to abolish caps if they want our information on our servers?

    The world is becoming more connected but ISPs are closing down cloud innovation with arbitrary caps. I find it better just to buy a huge HDD that I can put on the shelf if I cannot access my data. Case in point, I will eventually have 250GB on Carbonite. If I need to do a one time restore, it will cause me to use all of my bandwidth.

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  • Hayley Williams(Paramo re)

  • rockthecasbah
    Aug 2, 04:10 PM
    i am happy that iPods "aren't expected" at WWDC, it doesn't seem the right place. We need emphasis on computers and software for them, not redesigned (or just updated) music players. xServe, Mac Pros, and hopefully redesigned exteriors of MacBook Pros, as well as lots of Leopard showing is what i hope for :)

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  • Piggie
    Apr 24, 12:04 PM
    I do wish people would stop using the "marketing name" Retina displays.

    Just say what screen resolution you would like.

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  • meanmusic
    Jul 21, 05:22 PM
    If Intel really can start shipping merom by early August (and we see another manufacturer or two ship such laptops), then WWDC would be a perfectly fine place to introduce new MacBook Pros. But I doubt they'll be ready that early.

    Intel has already started shipping Merom. According to Intel retail products should be arriving at the end of July.

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  • hystery
    Apr 23, 06:16 PM
    Retina Cinema in Summer?

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  • appleguy123
    May 3, 06:36 PM
    There's a few mis-stated rules in Don't panic's rules that I will address shortly.

    But one is that a trap activates as soon as you attempt to leave the room. The only way to avoid a trap is to explore the room, which will discover, and disarm, the trap.

    With that said, there are currently nothing placed on the map by the villain. He will make his first move after you slow-pokes are done ;)

    I'm confused. Are you saying that the villain gets to listen to our conversations and then place the traps? Can he place a trap in the room we're in right now? If so, should this planning be done via PM?

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  • Play Ultimate
    Sep 11, 08:30 AM
    Re: movie store - Whatever the final product is, Apple's engineers have spent a lot more time thinking about it than we have in these forums.
    More than anything, Apple focuses much more the on the customer's experience so I have faith that the final result will be elegant and work.

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  • carlos700
    Aug 2, 09:30 PM
    I think since they announced it so far a head of schedule, they might have those pages up and running yet.

    Ok, that makes sense. I guess Conroe is the only Core 2 Duo chip that's available today. (And Woodcrest but it's marketed as Xeon 5100)

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  • And Hayley Williams

  • ChickenSwartz
    Aug 11, 10:00 AM
    question: are the CPUs in the macbook socketed or soldered?

    could i buy my own Core 2 Duo chip and drop it in there at a later date?

    i don't really care about the mhz increase, but the Core 2 Duo line does seem to be a little cooler at idle...

    hayley williams paramore blonde. Hayley Williams (Paramore)
  • Hayley Williams (Paramore)

  • iliketyla
    Mar 30, 12:29 AM
    Silence is acquiescence, very well stated by Pastor Martin Niem�ller:

    First they came for the communists,
    and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.

    Then they came for the trade unionists,
    and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.

    Then they came for the Jews,
    and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew.

    Then they came for me,
    and there was no one left to speak out for me.

    I don't disregard comments that try to push a particular view on spirituality, gender identity/expression, or other personal and civil rights issues. Sometimes the comments are appropriate, but other times they are not. In my opinion if they're not, I'll say so.

    If someone is trying to push their views on you, by all means, speak out against it.

    But if they are simply saying something along the lines of "keep the Japanese in your thoughts", I see no need to comment on it.

    I understand he used the word prayers, which is indicative of religion, but I think it's more along the lines of taking what he means from it, not necessarily what he says.

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  • LordTyroxx
    Apr 5, 02:47 PM
    I agree 100%. Apple disagrees. If you buy a car and decide to put a decal on the back window of a lady in a swimsuit, that's your right. If you buy a phone and decide to do the same in the background\wallpaper, that's your right too. What's next, Apple forcing you to only buy their cases? Apple forcing you to use their charging accessories (oops, they already do), lol.

    Apple's not stopping or forcing anything. Go ahead and do it instead of complaining about a nonexistant thread to "yer freedum". You can put anything on your background you desire. You can buy belkin cases. You can buy a griffin charger.

    Over the top responses to non-issues bother me.

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  • Hayley Williams of Paramore at

  • slicecom
    Mar 28, 10:10 AM
    Damn it! This means the lineups will be twice as long for the 2012 iPhone (when I'm due to upgrade)!

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  • but Hayley Williams,

  • mr.barkan
    Aug 11, 05:16 PM
    sorry if I'm repeating someone else's quote, didn't get to read all posts.

    Just wanna give my 2 cents here:

    1 - Everyone seems to be forgetting we are talking about INTEL here. Not just apple. So the rabbit hole is far more deeper. While Apple used to stick with what they got, back in the ol' Power days... there were no other "PC/Laptop" equivalent to Apple's lineup, as far as OS and app. But these days where people are talking about OSX86 and all... the other companies will be shipping Meroms, Conroes and other sorts of "Cities"... Intel doesn't really care about the Mac Mania. Because OSX is not "that" exclusive anymore. Yes, I do hate using Windows, BUT, the new laptops from Alienware, Dell, HP etc... all come with a glossy "VISTA READY" logo.

    2 - Apple should realise that since they lauched the first MBP, so we all can expect more frequent updates on all Apple lineup. Because Steve's Jeans want's to be new (and news) first, always, right?

    3 - If Merom, etc.. are 32bit, then 10.4.7 is 64bit? :confused:

    I guess thats all for now... give me your thots about all this.
    If I repeated someone, then please ignore. ;)

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  • ValSalva
    Apr 21, 08:01 PM
    IMO the Mac Pro looks like an old granny these day's. It's in dire need of a refresh and looks totally out of line when compared to the rest of Apples range. And it's interesting to think that Apple is incapable of properly re-designing the computer because that's what you are saying effectively.

    I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder :D With the quality control of Apple these days my confidence in them being able to design such a small case with such high powered processors without cooling problems is low.

    It would save money with the need for less raw materials.

    If there was 1/2 the amount of raw materials in the case can you see the price going down by any more than a few dollars? Isn't most of the cost of a Mac Pro the components?

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  • bedifferent
    Mar 31, 12:47 AM
    Yes, it's the government's fault, together with corporate America. Easy ain't it, blaming politicians and greedy CEO's? How about taking a long hard look at your own (aka The Consumer) behavior?

    A) Don't make ASSumptions. I don't shop at BestBuy, Walmart or Target. I patron my local stores, I vote with my dollar. If the facts upset you so much, perhaps you should point that finger of blame and judgment around (or better yet, stop vehemently judging people period).

    B) I stated WE shot ourselves in the foot, and that WE vote with our dollars

    I didn't read past your first two sentences as they wreak of pretension and you took no time in reading mine but rather wrote a lengthy paragraph about how well you know me and my political beliefs, cause, well, you certainly seem to believe you do (unless, of course, you're paying Ms Cleo for information, and that would be bad, cause, well, you're voting with your dollar to a corrupt and jailed CEO). Before you judge and assume, engage in civil discourse and respect.

    This is beta/unfinished software. What the hell do you expect?

    'MacPilot' is a mess of multiple functions that do not replicate native API's that are always enabled for use. Wow you have to click accept? Good. Why would you want the possibility of a bunch of random garbage sent to you without your consent?

    Cool story bro, I was never talking about the actual UI elements.

    Wow, the level of arrogance and lack of respect on MacRumors never ceases to amaze me. Every thread, and I mean every, turns into a free for all of personal attacks and insults. Interesting that I never once insulted or disrespected any one individual, yet two responses attempt to personally attack me. Do you know me? Why is this a personal matter for you?

    This is about opinions and civil discourse, not about trying to prove how smart you are or to put someone "in their place". That says more about you than me.

    Last time I will address this matter unless you wish to discuss the topic without rolling eyes, assumptions on my intelligence, and overly dramatic misinterpretations on my comments (that had NOTHING to do with you - and this relates more so for the first comment quoted).


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  • Nuvi
    Nov 16, 02:09 PM
    It doesn't appear to be too good at dealing with Time Machine back ups ( Tread with caution.

    The issue is if you have virus or malware in your TM .sparsebundle and you try to get rid of it by deleting the file. First of all back up with virus or malware in it doesn't sound that great so one should transfer the important files from backup and start fresh with malware free backup. However, SAV shouldn't allow user to choose delete / disinfect if the problem is found on TM backup. It seems that Sophos is taking this issue very seriously and replying to users questions in general on their forums.

    Anyway, I've been running SAV in one of my Mac's since they released the free home edition and I have to say I haven't noticed any negative side effects. One big no no for me would be speed impact but in all honestly I haven't noticed anything. I do work in Final Cur Pro so any slowdown on tape captures would be easily noticed (dropped frames especially on uncompressed video).

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  • stage with Hayley Williams

  • Ava's Meeshee
    Apr 20, 09:13 AM
    Yes, the US is literally the entire world. There are no other countries, let alone other countries with 12-month contracts. Why, Sir, that would be inconceivable!

    Apple is an American company and MacRumors is a U.S. based forum.

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  • geiger167
    Sep 11, 02:51 PM
    Not really sure if any of the rumoured devices interest me tommorow, as living in the UK we probably will be denied any kind of movie download service (still waiting for tv show downloads to start) The media streaming device might be a cool idea but unless it had support for divx/transport stream files wouldn't really interest me either and cant imagine apple allowing support of an outside player like VLC and without any kind of download structure available to view apple sourced files outside the USA cant imagine it taking off. Having moaned a bit though I have still ordered a 24 imac and cant wait for it to arrive ( I love watching hdtv files on my 20' imac now so 24' must be heaven)

    Aug 7, 10:27 PM
    So if I want a mid-range tower, I can configured it to have less RAM, a smaller HD and a completely useless graphics card, and still come in $200-300 more than a comparable machine from Dell/Gateway/etc.? Why can't Apple sell me a desktop with 2GB RAM stock and a 250GB HD for less than two grand?

    Yes, the Apple is a quad instead of a dual - but exactly which apps does that matter on? Is a quad really going to be a vast improvement for Photoshop through Rosetta over, say, a single Xeon or 2.4 Conroe?

    All I ask for is a moderately priced OS X desktop that isn't crippled in any way (still paying for 802.11g! $350 to get a usable graphics card!).

    If using Windows didn't make my eyes bleed, I'd turn and run from Apple hardware in a heartbeat. (And that, of course, is why fanboy dreams of a retail OS X package for any computer would never happen - you'd have to be a fool to use Apple hardware.)

    Your logic completely defeats my ability to understand it. I use Apple hardware and do not like being called a fool by a 'user of a lesser God'.

    There does seem to be a market for a mid-range tower/desktop, user-configurable Apple computer. I am sure that if Apple can make the manufacturing and numbers come out, they will do this.

    But, the rest of your post seems to be useless, irrational grandstanding. Dell does not offer any decent video card standard, nor do they offer 2 GB of RAM. You say the graphics card is useless, but it is fine for a high-end file-server. Those wanting high-end graphics have two solid options.

    If you need to be schooled in "..but exactly which apps does that matter on?", this machine is definitely NOT for you. If you cannot find an Apple computer that fits your requirements, that is sad. But, you should have to walk away reluctantly, not "..turn and run from Apple hardware in a heartbeat."

    May 2, 11:13 PM
    Yes please, love things like it :)

    May 6, 05:50 AM
    Haha fun fun processors!! Aren't intel trying to up the power efficiency of their processors in the near future?

    Wonder if they're trying to keep a hold of Apple, as that is the biggest issue for Apple with the current range of processors.

    Mar 31, 12:27 AM
    Grey is the new grey at Apple it seems. The stark minimalism is starting to become an issue.

    Noooo! Are they making everything gray on gray?!

    Number 41
    Apr 20, 07:17 AM
    No LTE/4G = No sale
    No Antenna Redesign = No sale
    No use of quality build materials (read: not glass) = No sale

    Sorry, Apple -- I'm not going to sign a 2 year service agreement to buy a phone that has reception issues, is made of a shatter-prone material, and cannot access high-speed data.

    There's no point to this update, just like there was no point to the 3GS update. In this case, it's arguably worse because -- given the rollout of 4G/LTE currently ongoing and the publicity surounding the poor antenna of the iP4 -- it's fairly safe to assume that the next iPhone will address at least 2 of the above issues.

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