domingo, 15 de mayo de 2011

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  • twoodcc
    Aug 3, 11:36 PM
    the news say intel has already made small shipment last month enough for product launches, .. in september.. apple will expect large shipment.

    so this means launching at wwdc, available in september

    if this is true, then looks like i might be stuck with a 32-bit Macbook :o unless i can make myself wait........nah

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  • toddybody
    Mar 31, 08:48 AM
    Hey Devs, any info on TRIM support for Lion?

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  • Regul8tR
    Dec 10, 03:01 PM
    I knew it !! I'm jumping on this right now.

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  • a.phoenicis
    May 4, 03:03 PM
    Here's my problem with this distribution method for an OS:

    I have 4 Macs in my house. Previously, I'd buy a Family License DVD and go from machine to machine installing it.

    If I have to DL it from the App Store, I've got to download it 4 times! I don't care about paying for multiple licenses... I do care about blowing out my internet bandwidth downloading the same multi-gigabyte file 4 times. :mad:

    There had better be a physical-media option!

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  • psychofreak
    Nov 26, 12:48 PM
    Not. Gonna. Happen. The tablet market is very small, and for good reason. Why use a tablet when a laptop fits the bill? Or a PDA? It's a glorified scribble toy. Apple's not going to try and grab such a miniscule market. There's no reason to even try.

    As people mentioned, one could have said the same thing about mp3 players before the iPod.

    "Not. Gonna. Happen. The mp3 player market is very small, and for good reason. Why use an mp3 player when a minidisk or CD fits the bill? Or a cassette? It's a glorified walkman. Apple's not going to try and grab such a miniscule market. There's no reason to even try"

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  • nastebu
    Mar 29, 04:17 PM
    Who is joking here?

    A better battery is highly improbable. However if you only look at the dark side of an event you pass up any chance of benefitting from it. Certainly it isn't good to have your nukes melt down but this is also a learning opportunity. That is if people can look at what is happening objectively. If all you see is people getting irradiated then you aren't looking at the bigger picture.

    I assume the "maybe the radiation will produce higher density batteries" comment was meant as a joke.

    As for the rest of what you said, no doubt.

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  • kresh
    Sep 11, 06:34 AM
    Not sure if this has been posted on another forum but have a look at the following links, especially the comments by sleepygeek

    hmmmmmm....i wonder.....


    I just wanted to say hi Sleepygeek. Nothing like promoting your posts in other forums.

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  • yetanotherdave
    May 3, 01:47 AM
    You think you've got it bad? In Britain we have
    milk and beer by the pint
    coke by the litre
    roads by the mile
    tablecloths/fabric etc by the metre
    petrol/diesel by the litre
    fuel efficiency is measured in miles per gallon but carbon emissions are measured in grams per kilometer.
    weight of people in stones and pounds
    sugar/flour etc in kilograms
    fruit by the pound
    cheese by grams
    bread loaves are labelled in grams, bread rolls sold by the dozen.
    height in feet and inches.

    and so on. It's a real mess. Basically we started to change, then stopped because people didn't like it. Then the EU decided certain things must be measured imperial, so now we have a have way house where nothing makes sense.

    We switched from pricing petrol in gallons to litres when petrol got to 99.9 pence per gallon, and it was easier to change the signs to litres than add another digit. :rolleyes:

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  • Stella
    Jul 30, 01:26 AM
    any apple phone would be too good basic to use... plus be baised torwards the north amercian market.

    Apple are such retards sometimes.

    Go get a sonyericsson phone instead.

    ( ie., u.s., not Canadian, being the greatest country on this planet.

    GO CANADA ).

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  • Sam*
    Aug 11, 11:28 AM
    I'm also betting that the macbook pro and macbook both get core 2 duo chips, with MBP getting faster ones with 4MB L2 cache, and MB getting slower ones with lower L2 cache.

    i agree, this will set them the mb and mbp apart well

    Although i still think the macbook will use core duo for a while to come with for now if the mbp's get merom, the mb will have the clock speeds of the current mbp's (2.0 and 2.16) when the new mbp is released,

    But most of all i want conroe in the iMac

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  • Duke&tank
    Mar 27, 01:21 AM
    Most of the iPhone's sales come from outside the United States, where GSM is the standard. Apple can't afford to lag behind other companies in those international markets so they will most likely not slip on shipping the iPhone 5 to much later than the previous models' date.

    That is a Very good point i never thought of that.

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  • mwayne85
    Apr 25, 09:44 AM
    Good observation, but as others have said, this won't happen anytime soon. I guessing we'll see a resolution bump in the iPad before we see it in Macs.

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  • iFanboy
    Mar 30, 05:53 PM
    Please bring a huge UI overhaul. Lets see something new.

    New UI & Grand features is what is to be expected with this update.

    We already know that the aqua look is gone. The ios scrollbar shown on Lion is an example of the aqua leaving for good.

    I can see lots of the applications such as Safari, Contacts, Calender, mail, ect is going to get a new look.

    Very exciting to know that it's coming out this summer!

    I honestly think you'll be disappointed.

    There doesn't seem to be any inkling of a UI overhaul for Lion, although some spit polish like scrollbar updates are certainly possible.

    Same with iOS5. I'm expecting EVOLUTIONARY rather than revolutionary.

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  • Blakeco123
    Apr 23, 04:41 PM
    Where are the icons located?

    not the icons the wallpaper
    and its Macintosh HD/Library/Desktop pictures

    icons are located by clicking get info on an application, then clicking the icon in the window and command+c to copy. open up preview and click file, open from clipbord

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  • ArtOfWarfare
    Apr 24, 07:41 PM
    You people are all wrong.

    This icon is going on the iPhone, which is going to quadruple the number of pixels in each direction, to 2560 x 3840.

    Oh wait, even then then the icon consumes a ridiculous amount of space on the screen...

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  • ChrisA
    Apr 21, 08:45 PM
    I hope this is true because I'd like to replace my going-on 4 year-old PC with a Mac Pro at some point, but the current case just won't fit in the IKEA wardrobe I'm using as a workstation. It sounds like this new Mac Pro would be smaller than my existing PC. Yea Apple!

    Replacing the desk make add 5% to the total cost of the new computer

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  • msb3079
    Apr 20, 11:11 AM
    No. Don't stretch to the bezel, unless the bezel is getting bigger, which is the same bloody thing as making a bigger phone. I don't want the screen at the edge of the phone, and nobody makes this, for good reason. You have to be able to hold onto something on the phone. Really.

    I'm getting so sick of hearing this excuse. NO ONE holds the phone by the TINY little black glass area next to the screen (right and left in portrait orientation)... the hold it by the metal edge, which has nothing to do with how close the edge of the screen is to the edge of the phone.

    So tired of this.

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  • appleofmy"i"
    Mar 26, 10:39 PM
    There will be an iPad launch this fall (not with iPods) and it will be a minor upgrade, much the same as we have with the Macbook/MBPros now. The aim is to replace the MacBooks with iPads (for the mainstream market at least) and as you know a year is a long term in computer terms. iPad 2 second release update will include NFC to be compatible with the iPhone 5 to allow for sharing and features to been seen with iOS5. The iPhone five will see summer release on schedule.

    Must note I dont have privileged info but watch come time.:apple:

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  • sidb
    Apr 21, 04:49 PM
    If it doesn't have Lights Out Management, it isn't a server. Our datacenter doesn't even allow servers without LOM into the building, and I agree with that policy. There's more to making a server than turning it sideways and bolting it to a rack.

    Phil A.
    Apr 18, 03:02 PM
    Looking at the TouchWiz UI, I see your point.

    But, at what point does an interface become too generic? For example, the concept of pages of icons in a grid isn't really new or innovative. The concept of swiping across screens is simple and intuitive and should be copied for that exact reason. Should other phone makers put the icons in a circle, "just because" they need to be different? Should they force you to do something differently just because the best and most intuitive way was "already taken"?

    Everyone loves car analogies, so: what if Ford decided to sue other carmakers because they copied their steering wheel design? Would other companies have been forced to adopt other types of controls -- joysticks or dials or foot pedals, perhaps -- "just because"? And would that have been good for the auto industry?

    I sort of understand where you are coming from, but with a mobile device (or other computer), a major part of the design is the user interface and manufacturers should be able to protect that design. HTC have managed to make an interface that is in many ways better than iOS, but instead of any innovation at all, Samsung have just copied it.

    BTW, Early car design innovations were patented and the designers licensed them to other manufacturers.

    Mar 29, 09:08 AM
    There is over a 120 million android devices in use? I don't mean models....

    Yes there are, android are the market leaders(by volume) ~33%, Apple are third after Nokia with ~16% market share.

    first hit in google for android market share

    May 2, 08:04 PM
    a lb. of butter is still called a lb. of butter here in Canada

    An oddity, a throwback perhaps? :p

    My margarine is in metric. As is my moo-cow-****-milk, and many other things :D

    Apr 22, 01:26 PM
    Believe it or not though we are still gigabit to our SAN and while Fiber Channel may be awesome in this scenario do you not think Thunderbolt would have the throughput for say, a DAS box?

    Direct Attached Storage is a pain to manage : "Hey, XY server needs more storage space... oh wait, the array is full, we need to purchase a new array for it... too bad we can't use YZ's array which only has 2 bays occupied...".

    Centralized storage arrays with LUNs solves all of these issues. Running out of storage ? Present a new LUN and just plug it in to whatever volume manager you use and grow your existing filesystem, all with 0 downtime or even having to physically connect anything to the box.

    For data centers, Thunderbolt is a non-contender.

    Aug 11, 11:19 AM
    Apple IS NOT going to move the MacBook to a Core 2 Duo until they've updated:

    1) MacBook Pro

    2) iMac

    3) Maybe even Mac Mini, since it's been out forever!

    Both the iMac and the MBP have been out longer than the Mini. The MBP has received slight CPU updates but the iMac has been out going on 8 months with no update at all.

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