sábado, 21 de mayo de 2011

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  • Cougarcat
    May 4, 07:16 PM
    I think Apple is doing it this way to cut down on the ability to make hackintoshes.

    No, they are doing it to make installations easier. You can already install Lion on Hackintoshes.

    Not to mention why would I want to waste space on a recovery partition anyhow ? ;)

    It's not huge...792 MB. Handy for the times your boot drive isn't around. But I could see why you wouldn't want it on your air--every bit of space counts on an SSD.

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  • six flags magic mountain tatsu

  • nuckinfutz
    May 7, 02:38 PM
    Having used MobileMe to keep my iPhone, iMac, Macbook and work iMac in sync, I pretty much can't live without it.

    With it, I know if I plug something into my calendar with an alert on it, it will definitely pop up (multiple times and in multiple places, often to my annoyance). I can also quickly keep all my dashboard widgets, bookmarks and everything else in sync. Walking into the Apple store, upgrading my iPhone and having practically my whole phone (minus the apps) synced up by the time I get back to the car is definitely nice as well.

    Of course, I know people's individual mileage may vary.


    The people talking about "Google is free and enough " don't realize the scope of MobileMe and how liberating it is. I could lose my phone ..buy another and be back to 100% in a matter of minutes.

    I doubt I'll have any qualms about renewing next Feb.

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  • six flags magic mountain

  • Duke&tank
    Mar 27, 01:21 AM
    Most of the iPhone's sales come from outside the United States, where GSM is the standard. Apple can't afford to lag behind other companies in those international markets so they will most likely not slip on shipping the iPhone 5 to much later than the previous models' date.

    That is a Very good point i never thought of that.

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  • zorinlynx
    May 6, 08:03 AM
    Why would they do this? Intel processors give among the best performance per watt on the market, and have power saving modes so advanced that you can get 8-9 hours of regular usage out of a Macbook Pro that is also one of the fastest laptops on the market when pushed hard.

    I hate these unfounded rumors; they make people hesitant to invest in a platform. If Apple changes processors in the Mac it will likely be to AMD CPUs, which would be just fine as it would barely require software changes at all.

    Even a low end Intel x86 CPU... hell, even an Atom trounces the ARM processors. They're different architectures meant for different purposes.

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  • six flags magic mountain rides

  • Pman17
    Mar 27, 03:34 PM
    I believe that they will announce iOS 5 next month or during WWDC. They have been late on their consistent announcements on iOS in March, probably because of the new cloud service and of course the iPad 2. We should at least expect iOS 5 developer kits to come out soon.
    There is one more point I would like to make... 2011 is the Year of the iPad 2.

    six flags magic mountain logo. six flags magic mountain.
  • six flags magic mountain.

  • JGowan
    Mar 29, 01:56 PM
    Not much good in hyping up new products if many of your core components are unobtainable.Don't know if this is a blanket statement or if you're talking about Apple specifically. "Hyping" is an odd word and very negative. If you're talking about Apple marketing and advertising a product, that's hardly fair. Why? For one, it's their product so they need to advertise it. Secondly, they hardly advertise. I see from time to time a commercial on TV and from time to time, an ad. Hardly "hyping". They get most of their best advertisement from happy customers and those predicting Apple news. They're one company who doesn't really have to remind people that they are around. When they want free publicity, they just hold a press conference and the message gets out.

    The Japanese are resilient, but it will take years for them to fully recover.For some, yes. But for those that are dynamic to the economies of other big companies/countries, they will get the support they need to get back into production of all the things that the world needs.

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  • six flags magic mountain map

  • tablo13
    Apr 25, 09:59 AM
    Turn off location services, encrypt backup, or turn off phone. Problem solved? The backup contains more private things anyways. But the media has scared people again, the same people who complain about facebook's privacy while they post all their info on Facebook for everyone to see.

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  • zephonic
    Apr 23, 03:19 AM
    Apple had/has its prime time with the ipod, iphone, ipad but now the innovation chip has changed it seems.

    This has been my feeling as well. Unless Apple pulls some new magic out of the hat. I love OSX, but I'm not sure how much longer I can stay on board.

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  • GooMan
    Mar 28, 10:15 AM
    Not cool. Coming from an iPhone 3GS, I seriously don't want to wait.


    Seems like this timeline will screw up upgrades for iPhone 6 for people who buy iPhone 5. Unless, of course, they move all iPhone releases to the fall.

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  • archipellago
    Apr 26, 04:34 PM
    That's a narrow and erroneous view. Are there some parallels? Sure. There are however some important differences.

    First, market share is not anywhere near as important as revenue share. Apple is absolutely trouncing Google and everyone else in this area.

    Second, developers are not making any money on Android, as it's user base appears to be comprised of spend-thrifts. It doesn't matter how many people you have using the platform, if developers can't sell applications that well then the lure isn't as strong. Combine that with the exceedingly frustrating fragmentation and inconsistent experience from device to device that makes the task of even writing an Android application that much harder, and it is less appealing still. Will that slow Android down? No, as there will always be customers for the Wal-Mart of mobile operating systems. It does, however limit them as any sort of real 'threat'.

    Third, let us not forget that absolute whoring out of hardware at 2 or even 3 for 1 deals is a huge factor in this surge in usage. It's quite easy to inflate your numbers when you hand stuff out for free. Again, in reference to my previous point, they really aren't doing the platform any favors long term, as it will bring down the revenue curve.

    Fourth, these numbers are for the US only. The worldwide picture is very different.

    Why wouldn't he? iPod touch and iPad run the exact same mobile OS. Just because there is no real competition to either of these devices in the Android space, doesn't devalue their presence. Truthfully, I always take a skeptical stance on the motives of any 'report' on mobile OS usage which conveniently leaves these devices out. Smacks of fomenting, it does.

    Yeah, cause that's been working out really well for them so far. Look, you can have your irrational "I hate Apple cause they are cool, and I rail against anything popular, cause I'M NOT A CONFORMIST!!!" BS all you want to. It doesn't change for one second the fact that Apple innovates, and everyone else imitates and tries to make all the money they can on the back of Apple's IP.

    Personally, I'd say enjoy it while you can. Apple has been establishing precedent with its patent litigation against smaller targets. Now they are taking on a medium-sized one in Samsung, and once that victory is complete, Google will be the next to fall.

    Look, I'm all for good old fashioned competition. But somebody besides Apple has to step up to the plate and actually create something. This whole me-too copycat crap is wearing thin.

    I have no clue how to respond to this tripe.

    The last time someone was this wrong, he was waving a piece of paper and calling it 'peace in our time'

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  • six flags magic mountain park

  • mcrain
    Apr 14, 04:25 PM
    It's time to raise the capital gains rate and make it progressively tied to income taxes.

    Or just treat all income as ordinary income and eliminate all the preferential treatment certain forms of income enjoy. Eliminate capital gain, business, gift and estate taxes, and treat all income from all sources as ordinary income and tax accordingly.

    six flags magic mountain logo. six flags magic mountain map.
  • six flags magic mountain map.

  • adbe
    Mar 26, 10:38 PM
    I highly doubt this is the case. The iPhone still leads the forefront for iOS devices and will receive iOS 5 when it is released. The only way this works is if the release of iPhone 5 is in September and I don't see that happening any time soon.

    That's something that's playing on my mind too.

    I'm going to be watching carefully though, because it does seem possible that Apple think the tablet is a bigger long term deal than the phone. If they do, there'll be clear signs of it this year.

    Whatever happens, there'll be a new iOS release with the iPhone 5, simply because it is going to sport new tech. Whether that iOS is numbered 5, or 4.5 will be interesting.

    If I had to chance my arm, I'd say iOS 5 with the phone in June, but a small spec bump iPad 2.5/3 in October.

    six flags magic mountain logo. six flags magic mountain map
  • six flags magic mountain map

  • Eldiablojoe
    May 5, 01:51 PM
    Thou incessant need for sandwiches tis why thou dost not �get lucky."

    'Twould 'splain me predicament well, as I was certain 'tweren't me grace, charm, good looks, manners, nor bedchamber prowess 'twere lacking.

    six flags magic mountain logo. six flags magic mountain x2.
  • six flags magic mountain x2.

  • RHatton
    Apr 7, 12:01 PM
    I never would suggest that Apple is going to tank/go back to HP manufactured iPod Mini...lol

    I just want other companies to succeed, if only to make my Apple products that much better. For instance, Id love to see the iP5 have a 4inch screen (im sure many disagree)...that could be a possibility because of some HTC success (Evo, Inspire...etc). BTW: Glad to hear youre a very contemplative buyer, it always pays off. Stay well friend, have a wonderful day.
    With how much time Apple spent on the retina display, seeking an extremely high resolution it would almost seem counter intuitive to make the screen any bigger. I don't foresee that ever happening but hey you never know.

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  • six flags magic mountain rides

  • �algiris
    Mar 28, 09:55 AM
    The iPhone 4 is already dated relative to other phones on the market. To have a phone on the market for 18 months without an update is insane.

    It was good 3 months ago, it's good now and it still be good 3 months from now. It only makes sense to wait and get everything in order if a major change/upgrade is coming. Competition is not going anywhere.

    six flags magic mountain logo. six flags magic mountain x2.
  • six flags magic mountain x2.

  • slombacker
    Dec 3, 12:25 PM
    I have the 'air jacket' case on my iphone 3gs and it fits in the Tom Tom car kit just fine.

    The sound quality when using handsfree isn't the best... but its not has bad as some bluetooth headsets I've had. Forget it if its raining out and your windshield wipers are on.

    I don't find the kit inflexible at all... I was able to mount it and reposition it exactly how I wanted.

    Overall I'm pretty happy with it.

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  • six flags magic mountain

  • Tonsko
    Dec 14, 10:05 AM
    I knew someone would say that. It's not the only way I stop things getting on there. It's all part of defence in depth and due diligence on top of what other processes I have/use. Additionally, I'm not usually there to talk to them about that kind of security (it's quite a large field). The client gets you in for particular job that they're paying you for (which in my case is security testing of networks and websites, the testing of gold builds), you do that job, not frigging about with installing anti-virus software for them. You tell them if it's not installed on a gold build they've just given to you for test, but it's not up to you to debate their IT policy if you're not there to do that. There are a number of things that you have to be acutely aware of when doing that job - you follow only the scope of what the customer wants done. Any deviation from the desired testing leads you to overstepping the 'get out of jail free' card that is the contract, and once you've done that, you've effectively breached the computer misuse act. So, by all means ask them about it, but if they say they have, why should I doubt them? It doesn't however, stop me from being careful, and following due diligence. Finally, it's a pretty insignificant performance hit, it fills in a little gap in defences, it's free.

    Anyway, I'm only putting forward an argument why I think it's useful to have - not a convincing argument for others who don't want or need to have it. Just wanted to put forward another point of view where it might be useful beyond the phrase, "the Mac doesn't have viruses, why would you need it?"

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  • new six flags magic mountain

  • bella92108
    Apr 5, 02:44 PM
    I tip my hat to you that you still buy your software when Jailbroken phones can easily use pirated software.

    I think you'd be surprised how many people like me are out there. I support developers, regardless if they're developing on the App Store, or the Cydia Store, because they're both working equally hard.

    The only reason I jailbreak my device is for the visual tweaks... well and NOSPOT, lol, I hate that crap.

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  • X - Six Flags Magic Mountain

  • Chip NoVaMac
    Nov 27, 12:57 AM
    There will NOT be a tablet - there is ZERO market for it.
    A device already exists that does the work of a tablet PC - its called an iBook.

    IF you want a really cheap tablet - try pen and paper.

    There maybe "ZERO" interest in a Tablet PC for the M$ implementation of it.

    There were MP3 players before the iPod, but Apple made it easy and cool to have one.

    The original Toshiba Libretto had a decent following in its day.

    The iBook is a close also ran IMHO. Given the comments here there is a desire for something the size of the 10" Sony sub-notebook that would give users the option of a touch screen and keyboard. In particular, if it were very near or under the $1000 price point.

    Apr 26, 03:22 PM
    So what. Really, this doesn't show anything whatsoever.

    News flash. 90-98% of people are so dumb it is unfathomable.

    Most of them don't even know it.

    Cattle lower their heads and chew.

    I'm not saying using Android vs. iOS makes you dumb. Dumb people use both. But percentages of people making uninformed buying decisions when they are just as likely to watch Jersey Shore or father their first cousin's child are only just percentages at the end of the day. It's like bait car.

    Aug 11, 02:16 PM
    I wish apple would just hurry up and get the MBP upgraded i need one within the next 4/5 weeks before uni starts!! an with regards to redesign im all for it aslong as they dont put an integrated keyboard in like the MB cos its rubbish!!

    so heres hoping for next tuesday!!!:D

    May 4, 03:43 PM
    It's good to see the debate on the best delivery mechanism for large software releases such as this; there are clearly benefits for Apple to push it through the infrastructure they already have in place.

    In my opinion, this is just another nail in the coffin for Apple resellers. Not content with giving single-digit margins on hardware, Apple is now actively removing another method of generating revenue. Software has better reseller margins (~15-20%) than hardware, but Apple's progress with the App store has seen key applications (iWork, iLife) on there for a substantial discount.

    There are no reseller/affiliate arrangements for the App store, and resellers can't compete with their discount offerings (as Apple set both wholesale and retail pricing). As a result, resellers business will be affected, and continue to be affected if they continue down this path.


    *Disclaimer: I'm an Apple reseller

    Apr 23, 11:47 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    So I gonna have a hard time finding wallpaper.

    Apr 9, 09:49 PM
    So if the parentheses are solved first why not just put them in front? Why go through all the semantics? Do scientists purposely make it this hard when solving equations?
    No, they usually write it using specialized program so you would clearly know if it's

    2 * (9+3)



    But really, if you see this as 48�2(9+3), I think it becomes much more clearer. Most people aren't used to see / used as a division mark other than when using two lines, not used as a simple replacement as it is for computer. But yes they wouldn't go through the trouble of rewriting an equation just to make the order of operation simpler, as that is quite easy when you work with math everyday. But they do tidy up their equations so the intent should become clear. I mean, you could type verbally an equation, this is just the equivalent to punctuation, you put a point and a capital letter to start a new sentence.

    This question is purely semantics. But scientists tend to write for other scientists who have no trouble saying this is 288. But most profs I've had hate answering questions over email simply because writing equations with regular characters is crap.

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